New Directions

I have spent a long time considering the direction for which I want this blog to go. While I haven’t posted except once, I still want this to be an outlet for my thoughts and opinions. Recently, I was tasked with setting out my goals for my life, both in my career and otherwise. Upon putting it on paper, I realized that my main goal is to spread a message of love and respect for all entities on this planet. I believe I can use this page to share this message, and to encourage conversations that further spread love.
Not everything in this world is easy. Conversations about somethings in the political sphere are difficult, emotional, controversial and convoluted. Through this page, I want to stimulate conversations and introspection. I want to challenge myself on my beliefs, and challenge you as a reader to identify why you believe what you do, and if that is fair to those around you. I am a firm believer that in this world, we only have each other. Because of that, we have to respect each other and listen to each other. We have to have the difficult conversations that often divide us so that we can grow as humans and leaders, always striving to make the world a better place.

I am often criticized for being too positive, too liberal, and too much of an idealist. (In this context, and indeed in most contexts that I use the term, liberal means the belief that things should gravitate towards change rather than promoting the status quo). Let me be clear. The woes of the world rest heavy on my shoulders and on my mind. I am thinking about politics, human rights and key issues of today constantly. I believe in the power of love and conversations. I believe in the power of respect. I believe that if we choose to hate, that is the first step toward the fall of humanity. Choosing to love especially when facing hate is obviously the more difficult road to take, but I believe the journey and the end result are worth it.

So who is with me? Are you ready for an intellectual journey together? No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, I want to have intelligent conversations with well-crafted arguments so we can begin to solve the world’s problems. All I ask for is respect and for every argument to be presented with the opportunity for contradictory responses. We can all learn from each other, and we all must continue to learn to become better humans.

I’ll talk to you soon, friends. Until then, keep learning!


Welcome to Ring The Belle, a new blog for travel, recipes, and other life experiences.

Thank you for taking the time to view this blog! My name is Sarah Belle Dixon. I am a student at Middle Tennessee State University, and I am studying international relations and Spanish. Currently, I am in Glasgow, UK, spending a semester abroad. I have a sweet pup Paisley Rosalinda and an amazing fiancé Michael Tyler. In my free time, I take on too many crafting projects and debate politics with my family.

Photo Nov 25, 19 39 00Photo Sep 18, 15 20 02

I am beginning this blog journey because I have a couple of very definite passions in my life. Two of those are writing and learning. The latter I unfortunately do not practice nearly as often as I’d like, and the former is an ongoing process. Through this blog, I hope to share my opinions, as unimportant as they may seem, and learn more about this world through an exploration of thought and fact. My hope for this blog is that it will be more than politically driven. I hope to share recipes I have attempted and did not fail, crafting ideas, travel experiences and other thoughts as they are revealed to me.

Thank you again for making the journey to this website. I look forward to growing as I reflect through these blog posts. Happy Tuesday and HAPPY AUTUMN!